Griffiths Valuation was an attempt to give a rateable valuation for every property in Ireland , the precise location of the property and the name (s) of those considered liable to pay.
Noel Farrell has produced a lovely little book, in 2001, which gives a print out of the section on Youghal – it is called ” Youghal Family Roots”. There is a copy in the Tourist Office, and another copy in the Library. If interested, you can also purchase a copy directly from Noel Farrell himself. You can also directly access the Griffiths Valuation free of charge on the internet .
The sections shown here are for the North Main Street – as you can see each house is numbered – you then go to the printed page sections and check the number for that house and you can see the owner/ occupier and also the neighbours. Neighbours are very important as some may still have relatives or memories of other neighbours.
You cannot rely on present day house numbers – get your bearings from other side streets – in this case number one is across from the Gaol Steps ( near the Clock Gate). Numbers were changes regularly so this map, combined with the text gives us a better idea of who was where. Updates to this section are posted on our Facebook page. Make sure you subscribe!